If pills, creams, and massage have not worked on your tired, sore, or injured muscles there is one option that’s gaining traction among athletes around the world: kinetic tape. Kinetic tape uses strips of fabric with adhesive that sticks to the skin. Athletes use it to lift the skin and muscles to improve blood and fluid flow in and around the muscle. This tape replaces older methods that would wrap around an injured muscle. But the old school way of doing it can actually make circulation difficult and ultimately it slows down the healing process. Kinetic tape ensures circulation so that the body can pump necessary blood and fluids into the muscles freely. As it holds the muscle into place it can also prevent further injury.  One of the best things about the tape is that it can last three to five days applied to the body. It’s sweat proof so you can still exercise and even shower! We’re excited to be gearing up to offer Rock Tape application at our office with Dr. Liza! Call to set up an appointment with her to see if Rock Tape will be the right fit for you!

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