During the holidays it is easy to find yourself stressed. Figuring out gifts, scheduling parties and traveling to visit families and friends, decorating and cooking- it can leave anyone a bit overwhelmed. However it’s so important how you cope with the holiday stress. Stress is detrimental to health physically and mentally because it’s one of the leading causes for illnesses.

Here are some really great ideas to help yourself in between the madness this holiday season:

Get an adjustment (of course) Deep breathing/ breathing exercises Yoga/meditation or take a brisk walk Take a hot shower, or even better, soak in a hot bath Give or receive a massage Read a book/ surf the web/ color in a coloring book

Permanent tips (as usual):

Getting enough sleep  Eating healthy Exercising daily Limiting alcohol and caffeine

Be kind to yourself always. If you find yourself not enjoying the season, step back and simplify your duties or schedule. If there is too much to do, request help from family or friends. Your health and quality of life are your most important gifts and it’s important to put that first. 

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